Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mitch Hedberg: Comedian of the One-liners

          Comedy is a release, it is fun, humorous, shocking, brilliant and sometimes lame. Mitch Hedberg is by far one of the funniest comedians to ever hit the stage, and entertain the masses with his coined "one-liners". After getting an assignment–chance–to read the famous Friedrich Nietzsches' work Twighlight of the Idols, I could not help but compare the two men on their comedic expressions on their philosophies. Not to mention that Nietzsche uses one-liners to also get his ideas forth in the section Maxims and Arrows. Lets compare and contrast these two geniuses:

""All truth is simple." Is that not doubly a lie?" - Nietzsche
"I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it." - Hedberg
"What? Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man's?" - Nietzsche
"When someone tries to hand me out a flyer, it's kind of like they're saying, "Here, you throw this away." - Hedberg
"To live alone one must be a beast or a god, says Aristotle. Leaving out the third case: one must be both–a philosopher." - Nietzsche
"I saw this wino, he was eating grapes. I was like, "Dude, you have to wait." - Hedberg

          The connection between these two geniuses, for me, is profound. Maybe you can't see it. But golly, it puts a smile on my face...and isn't that one of the jobs of an artist, to entertain, or leave in awe.

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