Saturday, December 8, 2012

Welcome to my Dreams

                                                                           Rob Gonsalves
"The Sun Sets Sail"
"Written Worlds" 

          I love when I find an artist, whose expression on paper resemble my subconscious, my dreams. The artist above, Rob Gonsalves, I fell in love with at Hastings three years ago. Yes, Hastings. I was purchasing a new novel and on my way to check out, walked past the yearly calendar display. Amused, I started thumbing through, and what I found was a calendar by this artist. All of his special thoughts and skill into a 12 months spectacular of visual pleasure. Every year since, I purchase a new calendar from Rob Gonsalves, and my walls are that much happier.
          When I look at the world, his artistry correlates my perception. When I close my eyes, his representations are mirror images of my dreams.                        

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